GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit manual confidential information manual The GNS 202/902 Starter Kit has been designed to support developers during design-in of the GNS 202/902(B) module family. GNS Global Navigation Systems GmbH Adenauerstrasse 18 D - 52146 Wurselen Germany 1 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit Introduction manual confidential information manual This manual shows, how to connect the GNS 202/902 Starter Kit to a PC in order to verify GNS 202/902 module performance and test supported features. Connected to a PC, all NMEA data is routed to the miniUSB port. All documents which are highlighted in bold letters, are available for download at the GNS forum: or from our website For technical module specification, please refer to the GNS 202 or 902 (B) datasheets. For receiver configuration programming via NMEA command interface and getting more information about the command parameters, please refer to NMEA_Interface_manual_MTK_Vx Important note : This manual covers all versions of GNS 202 and 902 GNSS receivers. The following versions are available : GNS 202 : ROM based GPS all- in one receiver GNS902 : Flash based GNSS receiver fot concurrent reception of GPS and Glonass GNS902B : Flash based GNSS receiver fot concurrent reception of GPS and Beidou Whenever needed for clarity, the type of referenced module is mentioned in the text. GNS 202/902 Starter Kit Features On board USB2UART bridge for PC connection 5V DC input via mini USB LED fix indicator Access to 202/902 module pins for evaluation and system integration purpose 2 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit manual confidential information manual Index Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2 1 Description of the GNS 202/902 StarterKit Hardware .......................................................... 4 2 GNS 202/902 StarterKit Board Layout ................................................................................. 5 3 GNS 202/902 StarterKit Board Block Diagram ..................................................................... 6 3.1 Getting started .... .......................................................................................................... 7 4 GNS 202/902 configuration ................................................................................................. 9 4.1 Checksum Calculation ..................................................................................................... 9 5 GNS 202/902 StarterKit Hardware ..................................................................................... 10 5.1 Assembly Drawing Top Side .......................................................................................... 10 5.2 GNS 202/902 StarterKit Schematic page1/2 ................................................................... 11 5.3 PCB Layout TOP/BOTTOM Layer ..................................................................................... 12 6 ORDERING INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 13 7 RELATED DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................ 13 8 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ......................................................................................... 13 3 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit manual confidential information 1 Description of the GNS 202/902 StarterKit Hardware manual FEATURES Small evaluation board designed for verification of GNS 202/902 module GPS performance parameters Small evaluation board designed for easy implementation to MCU controlled applications LED fix indicator PC connection via USB USB powered The GNS 202/902 Starter Kit is equipped to provide NMEA data via USB or UART to the application software. Package Content GNS 202/902 Evaluation Board USB to miniUSB cable CD with documentation & software 4 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit manual 2 GNS 202/902 StarterKit Board Layout confidential information manual Serial to USB chip Mini USB Data & +5V DC Power supply LED status indicator Backup battery GNS202/902 antenna module Note : RESET Button Standard Jumper setting in ready-to-run configuration for USB connected to PC is shown on picture. Description of LED status indicator: status LED GNS202 GNS902 GNS902B blinking Position fix found, tracking Acquisition, no fix available Acquisition, no fix available on NA Position fix, tracking mode Position fix, tracking mode off Acquisition, no fix NA NA 5 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit manual confidential information JUMPER AND CONNECTOR DESCRIPTION SIGNAL manual CONNECTOR DEFAULT DESCRIPTION JP1 set Vcc JP2 set VBackup This jumper must be connected to DC supply GNS 202/902. Can be used to evaluate power consumption. Connects the battery to VBackup, can be removed to erase data and stop RTC JP3 open USB Bridge reset Resets FTDI USB to serial bridge. Releases uart pins . Should be set if UART is used JP4 set GPS Tx line JP5 set GPS Rx line CON1 open GPS RxB line for RTCM feed CON2 open Wakeup CON3 open 1 PPS output Connects GPS Tx to USB bridge . Closed for USB operation, open if UART should be used. Pin2 is GPS Tx. Connects GPS Rx to USB bridge . Closed for USB operation, open if UART should be used. Pin2 is GPS Rx. Pin2 is feed in for RTCM data. Pin1 is GND. Do not short ! TBD . Do not short! Pin2 is PPS output, Pin1 is GND. Do never short ! 3 GNS 202/902 StarterKit Board Block Diagram LDO 5V 3.3V connectors RF1, RF2 miniUSB connector Serial to USB GNS 202/902 module 6 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit manual confidential information 3.1 manual Getting started .... 1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the active GPS/GLONASS antenna to the GNS 202/902 Starter Kit. Insert the included CD into your CD Rom Drive. Change to \Driver folder. Copy the two files from the \Driver folder to a PC folder of your choice. GNS 202/902 Starter Kit will be connected to the PC via a virtual COM-Port with USB. This conversion is performed by an onboard chip. Do not connect the USB cable now! First, please install the FTDI VCP (Virtual Com Port) driver by invoking USB-DriverCDM20600.exe. A DOS window will open and close again after a few seconds when finished. 5. The VCP USB driver is now ready to use. 6. Connect the Starter Kit to your PC by using the USB- to miniUSB cable. This will power up the Starter Kit (shown by the blinking green LED fix indicator) and establish the active state. 7. You should see a hint on the right lower corner of your PC screen, that a new hardware has been found and is ready to use. 8. The USB connection will create a new virtual COM Port on your system. To locate this COM port number (to find out which COM port has been assigned automatically), please open the device manager: a. Press the start button b. Type "device manager" or the appropriate name in your language (for example in Deutsch : "Gerate-Manager"). Windows will provide a direct link to open the device manager c. Alternatively, you find the device manager by pressing the "Windows"-key together with "pause". This opens the system overview: d. On the left side selection menu, please select device manager. (german: "GerateManager") . The devoce manager window opens. 9. Open the section ports ("Anschlusse"). 7 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit manual confidential information manual The new COM port is listed as an USB Serial Port. Remember the displayed COM port number. 1. Use a GPS viewer of your choice to visualize the received NMEA data. We recommend to use VisualGPSView freeware for quick testing. Setting should be made as follows: - UART Comport number : as indicated above in the device manager - UART baud rate : 9600 - UART format (should be already default ) 8N1, no handshake For deeper testing, a special tool from mediatek is available under NDA. 8 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit 4 GNS 202/902 configuration manual confidential information manual In all cases, where a UART or USB connection to a PC is available, the GNS 202/902 Starter Kit offers a comfortable way to reprogram the firmware options or settings using the bidirectional NMEA command interface. Note: Removing the power of the GPS device will effect that any modified setting will be lost and reset to factory default settings. If the module has backup power supply through VBACKUP, it will be able to keep the modified setting until the backup power is exhausted. After selecting the preferred settings or features at the NMEA_Interface_manual_MTK_Vx document, first the checksum has to be calculated for this command, refer to chapter 5.1 Checksum Calculation. To execute the $PMTK commands, use a terminal program of your choice (for example HyperTerminal, HTerm, TerraTerm,... available as part of your WindowsOS or as freeware). Use the COMport setting as explained under 3.1. Use the PMTK-Commands attaching the calculated checksum (see 5.1) and the Carriage Return sequence at the end of each command line. Most terminal programs offer the option to attach CarriageReturn (use option add CR-LF or similar). 4.1 Checksum Calculation To execute the a $PMTK command it is required to terminate the command by *and a . The checksum calculation is simple, just XOR all the bytes between the $ and the * (not including the delimiters themselves). Then use the hexadecimal ASCII format. Or use the checksum tool at the \Software\Checksum tool folder, which is available on Starter Kit CD or at the GNS forum: Example: $PMTK226,3,30*4 9 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit 5 GNS 202/902 StarterKit Hardware 5.1 manual confidential information manual Assembly Drawing Top Side 10 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit manual confidential information 5.2 manual GNS 202/902 StarterKit Schematic page1/2 11 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit manual confidential information 5.3 manual PCB Layout TOP/BOTTOM Layer TOP Layer BOTTOM Layer 12 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014 GNS 202/902(B) StarterKit manual confidential information manual 6 ORDERING INFORMATION Type GNS 902 StarterKit GNS 902B StarterKit GNS 202 StarterKit Part# 4037735105225 4037735105232 4037735105300 Description Evaluation Board with GNS902 (GPS & GLONASS) Evaluation Board with GNS902B (GPS & BEIDOU) Evaluation Board with GNS202 (GPS) 7 RELATED DOCUMENTS Type description Available from GNS 902(B) data sheet Data sheet for GNS 902 (B) module, GNS 202data sheet Data sheet for GNS 202 module, NMEA_Interface_manual_MTK_ Vx.pdf Detailed description of NMEA commands for MTK chipsets, 8 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY V0.1 V0.2 07/14/2014 Oct 24 2014 P.Skaliks P.Skaliks initial document New version covers 202 and 902 GNS GMBH 2014 THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENTATION DOES NOT FORM ANY QUOTATION OR CONTRACT. TECHNICAL DATA ARE DUE TO BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE. TECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS ARE JUST FOR REFERENCE. NO LIABILITY WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE PUBLISHER FOR ANY CONSEQUENCE OF THIS DOCUMENT'S USE. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER 13 (c) GNS-GmbH 2014 V 0.2, Oct 24th 2014